Credit Card Fraud Stats. How to Protect Yourself from Being Scammed.
Many people use credit cards in their day-to-day lives nowadays. It’s convenient and readily available, especially when doing online transactions. This is the reason why many thieves target these cards as they can steal a lot of money through unauthorized purchases and transactions using the stolen cards or credit card information.
About 10% of Americans are victims of credit card fraud. It’s not only through a stolen credit card that other people can use your account. Even if you still have the credit card, if they know your details, these thieves can still use your account without your authorization or knowledge.
It’s important that you are aware of these things and that you know how to keep yourself safe from credit card fraud. One way to do this is by ensuring that you are only making your transactions on trusted and secured websites.
The Internet is one of the most common initial points of contacts in which the scam is done. Be careful, as there are fraudulent sites that appear to be legitimate when they are actually phishing sites. They are created to look like the legitimate site so they can steal your information.
We prepared an infographic that contains more information about credit card fraud and what to do to prevent it. We don’t want you to become a victim of these scams, which is the reason behind this list.
Protect yourself and your loved ones from credit card scam by checking out our colorful illustration below: