Quick Woocommerce arrangement in 5 steps

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1) WooCommerce Pages
To use WooCommerce in full volume you have to create main pages which will display products and checkout process. Later you will be able to customise view of such pages: add shortcodes, blocks, change view of a page etc.
So, you have to create service pages for Woocommerce functionality and set them in WooCommerce.

1-1) go in admin left menu Pages -> Add New. Add pages, for example, with such names: Shop, Shopping Cart, Checkout, My Account. Open each of new created pages and add corresponding shortcodes:
-Shop — empty, there is no shortcode.
-Shopping Cart: [woocommerce_cart]
-Checkout: [woocommerce_checkout]
-My Account: [woocommerce_my_account order_count=»15″]
For example, for page Shopping Cart. Don’t forget to press the button Text. And only in Text field write shortcodes.

Image - Press text button
Screenshot 1

P.S. just in case, check in default WooCommerce manuals if above shortcodes are actual for the time of reading the article.

1-2) go in left menu: Woocommerce — > Settings -> Products -> Shop page, choose created Shop page.

Choose Shop page
Screenshot 2

And go in left menu: WooCommerce — > Settings -> Advanced and choose other pages in corresponding fields.

Screenshot 3

2) Demo products importing
If you are a developer or simply need to check how your theme looks on shopping pages you can import default WooCommerce demo products. You don’t have to search the files for import elsewhere. They are located in the default plugin package in the path: your_site_name/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/sample-data/. For example, import only products with images — use file — sample_products.csv.
To import file go in admin left menu: Tools -> Import -> choose WooCommerce products (CSV) -> Run Importer and choose the corresponding file.

Image - File's import
Screenshot 4

3) Listing and Product page settings
— To edit Listing options go in admin left menu: Appearance -> Customise -> WooCommerce -> Product Catalog.
— To edit Product Page image size go in admin left menu: Appearance -> Customise -> WooCommerce -> Product Images. And play with images look on your site.
To regenerate images on your site after sizes changing you can install such useful plugin — regenerate thumbnails plugin — https://wordpress.org/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/
After plugin is activated find them in admin left menu: Tools -> Regenerate Thumbnails.

Image - Product catalog
Screenshot 5

4) checkout options
And, finally, to have opportunity to sell your products set Shipping, Payment options in admin left menu: WooCommerce -> Settings, open each tab Shipping, Payments etc.

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