Quick management of the Duocart Opencart web theme’s main features
Hello dear readers of the “Template’s highlights» rubric.
In one of the recent posts «Duocart Opencart Fashion Store Web Theme Page’s Renewal» we presented new design of the web page for Duocart Opencart theme. Today we have an intention to go deeper and make you familiar with the main features of the Duocart.
Well, let’s approach web theme.
All categories and products are already added to your web site. You’ve installed Duocart and want to launch your Online Shop as soon as possible. Let’s see how can you change some of significant elements, which form the “face” of your project, faster way.
Ok. Open Duocart web page and look at the items.
Figure 1
Figure 2
1. Logo
Main logo on the top left part of the header can be set the same way as in the default OpenCart. Go to admin: System -> Settings -> Image -> Store Logo.
2. Small logo on the “right quickpanel”. (see Figure 1, item 2)
You can choose any image, but you should keep in mind the image size. Go to admin: Extensions -> Modules -> Duocart Theme Admin Panel Module -> top tab “Layout” -> left tab “General” -> item Logo (Right quick panel). Also here you can disable all Right Quick Panel, if you don’t need it (item Right quick panel).
3. Custom block and additional items on the dropdown Top Menu.
All of these options are located under left tab “Navigation” in the Duocart Theme Admin Panel Module. Here you can enable/change the additional items on Top Menu, add/change html content for Custom Block
4. Slider on the main page
There are 3 types of sliders provided in Duocart theme:
- • Parallax slider
- • Flex slider
- • Nivo slider
Their settings are available in corresponding modules in admin: Extensions -> Modules
-> DUOCART Theme Parallax Slider module
-> DUOCART Theme Flex Slider module
-> DUOCART Theme Nivoslider module.
Html code is content for Parallax slider. As for Flex and Nivo sliders, content is images. They are added/changed in System -> Design -> Banners →. Choose banner with name “Flexslider” or create your own slider.
If you don’t need complicated sliders, you can set only simple image, module: DUOCART Theme Static Image module.
5. Copyright on the footer
Copyright is added as custom html content in admin: Extensions -> Modules -> Duocart Theme Admin Panel Module -> top tab “Layout” -> left tab “General” -> item Footer copyright content. If you leave this field empty, you will see the default copyright as in the default OpenCart. You can edit it in the language files.
6. Social accounts on Facebook and Twitter widgets on the Main Page. (see Figure 1, item 6)
You don’t have to edit code for widgets. You only need to set your own accounts for them in admin: Extensions -> Modules -> Duocart Theme Admin Panel Module -> top tab “Layout” -> left tab “Social accounts” -> items Twitter account and Facebook profile name.
7. Social accounts for buttons on the right bottom part of the footer. (see Figure 1, item 7)
These buttons are set as html code in admin: Extensions -> Modules -> Duocart Theme Admin Panel Module -> top tab “Layout” -> left tab “Social accounts” -> item Social buttons on the footer. If you don’t want to see this block in your footer, don’t remove existing html code (it may be complicated for you to write it again if you don’t have at least basic html and css skills). You may simply press disable radio button.
8. Payment icons on the left bottom part of the footer. (see Figure 1, item 8)
As social buttons these buttons are edited in html content in admin: Extensions -> Modules -> Duocart Theme Admin Panel Module -> top tab “Layout” -> left tab “General” -> item Footer payment icons images. You can add here not only images but any html content too. If you don’t want to see this block in your footer, don’t remove existing html code (it may be complicated for you to write it again if you don’t have at least basic html and css skills). You may simply press disable radio button.
9. Your shop and contact information on the big blocks. (see Figure 1, item 9)
These blocks can be disabled or edited in html content in admin: Extensions -> Modules
-> Duocart Theme Footer Info Module
-> Duocart Theme Footer Contacts Module.
10. Promo banners and promo blocks in the middle section of Main Page
Banners and images can be found in html content in admin: Extensions -> Modules
-> Duocart Theme Bottom Info Banners Module.
11. Social accounts for buttons on Product Page. (see Figure 2, item 11)
The Product Page can contain 3 types of button: Facebook Like Button, Twitter Like Button and Pin it button. For Facebook and Twitter buttons you can write only accounts. For Pin it button you can edit existing code. Go to admin: Extensions -> Modules -> Duocart Theme Admin Panel Module -> top tab “Product sliders, products listings” -> left tab “Social accounts for buttons in product view” -> all items. If you leave fields for buttons empty, buttons will not be displayed on your Product Page.
12. Custom promo block on Product Page. (see Figure 2, item 12)
Content for this block is edited in admin: Extensions -> Modules -> Duocart Theme Custom Product Block Module -> in html content.
13. Link for YouTube video on Product Page. (see Figure 2, item 13)
Theme Duocart allows you to add different YouTube video for each product on your web site. First of all, install (if it isn’t installed before) block in admin: Extensions -> Modules -> Duocart Theme Product Options Module. Then, enter YouTube video’s link for the each product.
For sure, these items are not the full list of the features provided by Duocart theme. First of all, this theme supports all features and functionalities of the default OpenCart template. Other additional features, which are implemented in the theme, you can find in admin: Modules -> Extensions (find extensions with bold font).
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