Best website themes of January
Hi friends.
Today we want to show you some of our templates that were the most popular on January.
They are:
The template has an attractive design. Main Menu is located at the right top of the screen and contains light bulb behind. We provided also different effects so that you enjoy the navigation throughout the site. Among them you can notice sound effects that can be turned on and off, animations when the content appearance etc.
Main features:
- Flash animated subject picture
- Social services icons
- Live photo and video gallery
Main features:
- Main page big banner/slider
- Drop-down navigation menu
- Social icons
Features list:
- Main page slider
- Last sampels block
- Latest news block
- Twitter Feeds block
- Main page slider
- New products block
- Deal of the day block
- Social services icons
We offer modern website with unique layout and design.
Header consists of Radio Station logo and frequency. The central part of the template belongs to the interior image of radio station office to transfer the whole atmosphere of musical place.
Main Menu location is also out of the ordinary. Social media plug-ins like Twitter, Facebook are integrated into the template as well.