5 FAQ of Dresscode Magento

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Опубликовано автором admin

1. How to change titles of the Main and other Dresscode pages?

In admin — CMS — Pages — (click on some page Title)
For example, Dresscode Home page. Then see screen01:


2. How to translate template texts?

  • Firstly, you need to find on the Magento site package of your language. This will translate Magento default blocks, texts
  • To translate CMS pages and static blocks usefull article is http://go.magento.com/support/kb/entry/name/translating-your-store. If saying briefly, each CMS page and static block need to be created for all language via admin panel and translated in it.
  • Texts that are not translated after all actions you need to find in the Dresscode files and translated manually. For example, for the German. Write translation in view of —

for example, in the end of the file app/locale/de_DE/Mage_Cms.csv

3. How to edit links and accounts in social media blocks?

      Links in social media block in the footer (right bottom) — go to the admin — CMS — Static blocks — (click on the block Title “Dresscode Footer Socials ”). There edit links or all block view (to edit all block html push the button “html” — 6). Then do all actions like numbers on the screen 03

By the way, in such way you can edit each static block.

    • Accounts of the Facebook and Twitter’re changed in eTheme — Dresscode — Theme Options — Social widgets

4. How change product image zooming in the product page and sizes of the main product preview image and thumbnail previews?

  • To change options of image zooming admin — System(1) — Configuration — Catalog (2).

Here you can arrange many parameters as you want

see screen 04

Sizes of the main product image and thumbnail previews images you can edit in the file

if cloudzoom effect is enabled —
if cloudzoom effect is disabled — \app\design\frontend\default\dresscode\template\catalog\product\view\media.phtml

5. How add own info boxes to each category in the top dropdown menu?

In admin — Catalog — Manage Categories — (choose some category — 1).
In the tab «Description» 2, 3 enter text. If you want to enter complicated information, images etc click on the button «WYSIWYG Editor» — 4. There you can even click «html» and write html code. To add images you have to load image on any server and write full link to it. For example, on our demo such path to image — 5 — http://www.ethemeuk.com/dresscode/media/category_img_1.jpg.
See screen05:

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