4 Easy Steps on Setting of MultiStore Functionality in Opencart
Hello dear readers of the rubric Learning Sessions.
Today we continue speaking about Opencart. The last article was devoted to new Opencart 2.0 functionality. If you want to know how the main features work, read here — «Quick use of the new Opencart version» Now is the time to share some knowledge about Opencart Multistore functionality.
Ok. Let’s start.
Almost all popular e-commerce platforms provide customers with the opportunity to create some stores in one site, which is called «multistore». OpenCart allows you to create some stores with different look of Frontend, products and categories in one also. What are the benefits of such Multistore functionality arranging?
The essential points are:
- • You will have one administration panel allowing you to make all settings for different stores: creating blocks, adding products, categories, information pages etc. You will not have to enter each store separately and remember passwords for each one. As a result you will work faster.
- • You will have to make installation procedure of default OpenCart at once.
- • You will have possibility to save disk space on your server. As much stores as you need — your ability. However, they will all be disposed in one physical disk place.
- • You will not need the necessity of separate domain names creation for each store. The only one thing you have to do is to create subdomains for each sub store of your main shop.
So, if you decided to create a Multistore on OpenCart, do it! This can be done in some easy steps.
1. Make subdomains under your base domain
We will not explain how to do this due to the fact that such actions can vary for different hosting providers. If you have problem with hosting settings, ask your hosting manager about how to create subdomains.
As for our article, let’s call our main domain: mydomain.com
Subdomain will be called: second.mydomain.com.
2. Add new store and settings for it in administration panel of OpenCart
Go to admin panel: System -> Settings -> Add new.
Screenshot 1
Make settings:
Screenshot 2
You can set logo, favicon and other parameters for each of your stores in the different “Settings” tabs. If you use some custom theme for your Default store, don’t forget to choose it for a Second store.
Screenshot 2.1
After adding of the Second store you will see:
Screenshot 3
3. Create new layout with new blocks for the second store
Ok. Stores have been created, and you need to make them looking different. To do this you have to create other layout for the Second store. After this you will be able to add different modules in this second layout.
3.1 Go to admin: Design -> Layouts -> Home. You will see the layout, set for Default store as well as for the Second store. So, remove the Second store and press “Save” button.
Screenshot 4
3.2 You are in Layouts. Press button on the top right corner “Add New”.
It is essential to pay attention to setting “Route”:
Screenshot 5
4. Set categories, products, information pages that will be visible in the Second store
Go in admin: Catalog -> Products, choose some product — > tab “Links” -> Field stores.
Screenshot 6
And the same procedure for Categories:
Screenshot 7
As well as for information pages:
Screenshot 8
So, you have created two stores on the base of default OpenCart template. Access to administration panel is common for both of them. However, frontends of each store are different.
Thank for your guidance we tried lot of methods but only your method works correctly. thank again.