Help list of common web design features to clarify web templates’ functionality

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Hello dear readers of the «Presale suggestions» rubric.

We continue to publish our support articles. In the previuos «Shopomania Magento, Oscommerce and Opencart ecommerce web themes comparison» we made relative analysis of three cms.
Today we have an intention to introduce you to the general web design features guide that will possibly be helpful for those who are on the process of appropriate web template choosing. If you know well «what can» some feature, it is easy to complete your choice.
Ok. Let’s start with the list.

Responsive image


It is means that web theme has a nice look at Big, Medium, Small and Very small screens. Like Desktop PC, Laptop / notebook, Tablets / iPad, Phones / iPhone.


Retina-ready picture


Your product images will look perfect at high resolution Retina displays (you have to upload double size images).


Countdown option

Countdown option

This option allows to highlight products sale with countdown timer. It shows how much time left for special price offer.


Google-rich-snippets image

Google reach snippets 

Allow to give users convenient summary information about their search.


Catalog-mode picture
Catalogue mode

The option to remove cart, prices, buy buttons and to use your website as simple demo catalogue.


Blog-ready feature
Blog ready

It is means that web theme uses real blog based on some type of cms and is optimized for it.


Ajax-search option

Ajax search option

This feature adds interactive search to your store.
When your customer starts typing in search field, this option shows a popup with the most popular searches starting with letters inputted by customer.


Quick-view option image


Quick view option

This option adds an ability to review product details on the listing page. When customer clicks on «Quick view» button, he will see a popup window with short product description and «Add to cart» button. So your customer can review product details on the listing page, without additional steps. Go to product details page — Don’t like product — Go back to listing.


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