Get your favourite web theme with 50% discount

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Опубликовано автором admin

Hi all who are interested in web design.
Today we want to present this week’s Sales Campaign.

You will have chance to buy one of the 5 our products with 50% discount as usually.

Sales Campaign - 50% discount on web themes - 05.30 - 06.12.2014


Well, what the web themes are presented this week?


Recording Studio HTML5

Recording Studio website template's image


Radio Station html5

The image of Radio Station html5 web template's main page


Computer Repair Joomla


Computer Repair web theme's screenshot

Radio Station Joomla

Radio Station Joomla template's image

Shopomania Magento

Shopomania magento web theme's image

The period of the action is:

07.25.2014 — 08.07.2014

In order to buy these web themes with discount you should use the Promotional Code (noticed on the products pages) when you fill in the ordering form.

Запись опубликована в рубрике Promotional offer с метками , , . Добавьте в закладки постоянную ссылку.

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